Unable to find the rates for 2/11/2025.
  Reverse Mortgage Calculator
About You and Your Home

These pages provide estimates of benefits from several reverse mortgage programs. These estimates are not an offer to make anyone a loan, nor do they qualify anyone to obtain a loan. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. None of the information you enter here will be shared or retained.

How much money is available from your home? To find out answer these questions:

You can use your "Tab" key to move from box to box. $ signs and commas are not needed -- just enter numbers. Note that all borrowers must be 62 or older (or within 6 months of their 62nd birthday.)

1) What is your ZIP code?
      Enter just 5 digits, not ZIP+4.
      Then click the Find It button >>
State:    California
County: Alameda
If there is a Non-Borrowing Spouse (NBS), enter their birth in the spouse boxes.
  Month   Day   Year
2) When were you born?
      For example: type 5 for May. You must be at least 62 on the loan's closing date.
  Month  Day Year
3) When was your spouse
      (or other co-owner) born?
      Leave blank if you are the only owner. A NBS must be at least 18 years old.
4) How much is your home worth?
      Type in your best guess.
Optional Input Fields:
5) Mortgages and liens on your home
6) Monthly payments on your mortgages
7) Other upfront cash you desire
8) Estimate any necessary home repairs
9) Your desired line-of-credit
Make your entries, then click 

To start a new estimate, click 

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