HUD is also introducing a new
product, the 'HECM
Saver', which has a minimal
Upfront MIP, and accordingly
lower Principal Limit Factors.
Upfront MIP is only 0.01% of the
home value (versus
2.00% on the HECM Standard) and
is capped at $62.50. That
means that on a $250,000 home, upfront MIP will be only
$25 rather than $5,000 --
that's $4,975 less in upfront
costs -- a big savings. With
Expected Rates of 7.06% or
lower, the HECM Saver, compared
to the new HECM Standard, gives
Principal Limits that range from
15.5% lower for a 62-year old to
21.4% lower for a 90-year old
borrower. This will be a great
product, especially for those
who are planning on re-locating
within five years.
If you are not using the RMCA
/ Ibis Sandbox or RMCA Counselor
Locator you should request
log-in privileges at
The Sandbox fulfills the
HECM pre-counseling requirements
and has an identifier number.
The Locator has a number unique
to your organization. When your
client reads one of these
numbers to a counselor, the
lender's products will be used
in the counseling session. The
lender is not identifiable to
the counselor -- just the
selected products and pricing is
known. Sessions will be much
less confusing as both your
client and their counselor will
be discussing the same numbers.
page provides estimates of benefits from several reverse mortgage programs
and compare the 2010 factors to
the 2011 factors.
These estimates are not an offer to make anyone a loan, nor do they qualify
anyone to obtain a loan. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. None of
the information you enter here will be shared or retained.
How much money is available from your home? To find out
answer these questions:
can use your "Tab" key to move from box to box. $ signs and commas
are not needed -- just enter numbers. Note that all borrowers must be 62 or
older (or within 6 months of their 62nd birthday.)